Thursday 11 August 2011

Rift: Crocnard Hunter

Your all jealous right? No? Oh your boring! ='[
Anyhoo - Yes I managed to get this wonderful beast today after finally completing the Water Saga quest line... (Silly bugs and hotfixes >.<)

For those whom don't know much about this quest line it is a high level quest line that starts once you complete on Abyssal Precipice on either normal (or expert if your totally epic). I don't know much about the Guardian version of this quest line (as they suck - and I only have a level 50 defiant character). Once you have started the saga you must complete the 3 acts (of quests) before you can get MrCrocy. Now these acts takes you back and forth across mainly between Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade Highlands, Freemarch and Shimmersand, which means it can get quite annoying going back and forth (especially when your feeling really lazy but are stuck due to your Soul Recall on cool down... Grr!)

It is mentioned that for some parts your need to bring a few friends, this is referring to the couple of Expert instances you have to gate-crash before you can progress. I survived by pretending to be a DPS in the T2, how the tank did not get rid of me I shall never know... Also, there are 2 'dungeon-boss standard' monsters you have to kill in the open world to also continue your quest - you cannot 2-man these! Myself and Friz tried... and failed miserably...

Enough of that - you don't really need to tell me all the little details of the water saga when you have it already on ZAM. In the end you collect a total of 3 new titles, 1x epic helm, 1 epic shoulders, and the Crocnard mount.

Yam the Soggy ~ Tideweaver Yam ~ Yam, Lord of Madness
A choice of 9 helms
A choice of 9 shoulders

Overall I found the whole quest saga very en-lighting and if you've always wanted to know more about the Faceless Man (Defiants) then this is perfect for you. I'm sure the Guardian version is just as en-lighting! Good luck to those whom are still trying to complete this saga - it really isn't the easiest to complete if your a true casual player and are not very interested in instances and gearing up to high standards - but I believe anyone can complete it if the work at it.

Thanks again.
Toodles for now.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Rift: Lucky Surprises

Not everyone is meant to be happy when they receive a restraining order in the mail... Until you find out it is this Restraining Order.
Yes you must've guessed it - I got the stalker title. Is it that bad I've made this post just to brag about it?
It makes it slightly better when you retrieve a shard first on your alt's shard. =]
For those who don't know about this special title you get it by taking part in a Rift Community event such as 'Where in the World is Elrar?' which was really easy if you ask me. Although if your not staring at Facebook or have twitter attached to your account it could possible be pretty hard to find out quickly when the event has started - and then possibly end up missing out. If you are successful with the event or any of the other events you would receive an in-game mail within the next week - like the one below:
The Trion crew must've had many giggles thinking of the name of the item which gave you the title.
So I got this lovely surprise last week after believing that I had the wrong scenery for the competition, but today I finally got Hoppy, Harbinger of Regulos!!! Took me all the way from head start until now to get this little bugger - even after being part of practically as many invasions as I could've joined.
So yeh - now I'm pretty chuffed, and it's not even the end of the week!

Now Trion listen to me! Hurry up with EU's 1.4 patch! Love you Trion ~ really x

Toodles for now.

Monday 1 August 2011

Life: Merchandising Microsoft

Okay, it's been a while since my last post and I apologise. I've been busy.. erm... playing games xD

As you guys possibly know from one of my past 'Life' posts that I luckily got the job which I recently applied for, and last Wednesday I had to go on an all-day training day to learn what I actually have to do.
(I need to stop over editing most of my pictures...)
If you can't see very well on the images our new tops each say 'Microsoft Student Crew'. And if you couldn't see what we are or who we work for, I'm sure the huge logo on the front, each arm, and the back of our top will make any bystander really notice who you are. Oh and also this is not all of the 'crew', this is only a small selection whom went to the Birmingham training day.

Our purpose is to 'sell' Microsoft in any way shape or form really. Especially to new students hoping to leave the comfort of their homes and set sail for university life. And that's it! Not bad for a first job right? Stand around looking pretty and talk a lot about something I use every day. Oh and I got a free LifeCam Cinema to demo with and keep afterwards. Good times. =D
Panorama view... It has its benefits - but not when one of the heads (third from right) ends up looking rather dodgy. Oh (btw) the shortie is me if anyone was that interested. xD

Toodles for now.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Retro: Evil Zone (Eretzvaju)

So I thought I'd talk about a retro game every now and then to give a bit of variety to the things I post.
The first 'retro' game I'm going to talk about is Evil Zone (or Eretzvaju) on the Playstation.
This was, is and will be my most favourite game of all time. Okay, the graphics may be rubbish (then and now) and the game play wasn't brilliant - compared to similar games such as Dead or Alive, or Tekken - but I found it a game that I truly loved.

Evil Zone is an anime style beat-them-up and back when it was released in 1999 the anime style wasn't exactly popular, and therefore remained a game under the popularity radar. The game requires the player to use quick reflexes, timing and precision, rather than memorizing huge lists of combos and memorizing other obscure knowledge like in most other fighting games. Even though this take on fighting games is an idea that is pretty perfect for someone like myself who sucks at massive amounts of combos (button bashing ftw!) there was one HUGE flaw with the game... one attack button. Triangle to be exact. I personally didn't find it a problem as I found it easy to master all move that was available with the ability to actually know when to execute them.
So the nutshell story behind Evil Zone is that Ihadulca has been a naughty girl and causing terror over I-preseru and is now trapped within the Evil Zone. Although this is a nice temporary home for her she still needs to be defeated and a 'big' fighting tournament is held where fighters are summoned from other dimensions to test their strengths and see who is worthy of killing Ihadulca.
The 10 playable characters each have their own individual story modes which is portrayed in a slightly different manner compared to other games. The characters produce their own TV shows, where they talk to the person they are about to fight like a chat show, while also beefing themselves up. And as a proud member of the gaming society that actually skips the credits at the end of each game, this game continues the story of each character (via images) after they had finally defeated Ihadulca throughout the whole of the credits...
Overall if the game doesn't get your fancy the soundtrack is amazing! I actually still use Midori Himeno's theme song as my alarm! Sad right? Hey, it wakes me up in the morning at least. =P
Anyway, I think that's it I believe... You really actually have to play the game to experience its greatness (in my own opinion) and uniqueness as a game. Thanks again.

Toodles for now.


Tuesday 19 July 2011

Life: Self-confidence

[Note: I was debating to myself if I should actually write this post - but as I got good news at the end I'm happy to post it now.]

Okay I'm going to talk about self-confidence. Yes - everyone in some form or another has a lack of it, some more than others but that is a totally different topic altogether.
Recently I applied for a part-time summer job, I'd never applied for one before so I didn't get my hopes up too much. So like you do you email your CV to whatever reference along with a photo which they asked for. Just that got me to the phone interview which really was stupidly easy - "Yes I am very confident in using pc software, etc".
It all gets a bit daunting when you find out this hotel is where the assessment was to be held...
Now comes the time which I got to the assessment day/interview event. The whole entire car journey to the assessment I started to have a very odd but familiar feeling. It's kind of a mixture between having butterflies, feeling sick, and hand shaking... This was the feel that I always used to get when I raided back in WoW. Yup, I'm weird right? Every time I'd get into a raid group the weird feeling began and it always got worse just before a boss - where then I always seemed to have an adrenaline rush during the boss. Anyhoo ~ My body was treating this assessment to be a raid - simple as. It really did help though that once I arrived into the room with all the other students about my age I started to calm down, well we all looked as scared as each other.
Everyone was silent in this waiting room, with no one making conversation with anyone else (great =/ ) and somehow one of the things that wasn't meant to be the icebreaker was - collecting our name badges. It sounds silly, but when everyone is that tense its amazing what you need to start to the art of conversation.
So now the whole thing begins...

First things first: One at a time we had to stand up, say our name, where we was from, as well as a random question given to us. (Great - so we have to think on the spot...) If you was a fruit what would you be and why? Ugh... Fruit? Geez, I wanted the car question! In the end my mind decided that I was a pomegranate because I may be unusual I'm still tasty... That was a true /facepalm moment. After all our introductions we had to sit through a presentation of the two companies and what our overall goal would be.
We was then split up into two groups (as there was only 20 of us and only 2 assessors) where we played a 'game'. We picked a card and then had to defend ourselves along with debating with others of why we should stay on the plane - as someone has to be thrown off the plane or was would crash. Simple right? I had Lady Ga Ga and got no votes to kick me off so I must've done a pretty good job, eh? =] In the end (Sorry, to those not from England and doesn't understand the amusing conicidence this is) Cheryl Cole got kicked off our plane, and in the other room, the other group kicked off Ashley Cole. We felt this was pretty impressive xD
We then got given a sheet of information which we had to make notes from, learn... and then have a test on 10 minutes later (with no notes). It was like being back at school again. The notes were returned to us as we also had to memorise as much a possible as we had to give a 1 minute presentation...alone...with the assessors... I never knew 1 minute could feel so long yet so short at the same time, it was weird =/

Anyhoo... Long story short - I got the phone call yesterday saying that I got the job!
I now actually have something to write on my CV!
Oh and the job I applied for was to be a Microsoft Office Ambassador. So I'll be based in a random shop trying to sell Office, 7, and LifeCam produce to students while also trying to convince them the NEED it, they MUST have and OWN it. >.< Fun times.
Thanks again for listening to me blab my life away.

Toodles for now.

Sunday 17 July 2011

Rift: Phase 4

Okay, yes this is a little late as we got Phase 4 yesterday (about 4pm UK time if I remember correctly).
Anyway, the usual happened as we've seen with the past few Phases. You get a few new daily quests, another quest that sends you to Moonshade Highlands (again for a single hand-in) just to show off their new guns that they've recently built, and finally the next set of items available from the event manager now that Phase 3 has finished.
The main thing that is annoying me about this event is that it keeps telling you to 'Visit the Runeguard in your capital city'. That is it. It would be nice that we could have a little more direction than being pointed to continuous dailies. I also believe that I really needed to pay attention to The Faceless Man when we visited him in Phase 3, I honestly didn't realise that we'd defeated Jornaru already... But oh well...
Anyhoo ~ Phase 4 brings in plenty more death themed dailies and not just that, they decide that the world doesn't look themed enough.
Originally my characters were on EU-Icewatch which was a fairly small shard but I could easily get away with running around on ultra all day long without and frame rate problems. Since then I joined my guild in moving to Blightweald hoping that moving to a more English populated server recruitment would pick up. The problem now is that as there is so many more people on this server I find it very rare when I could easily run around Meridian on ultra without having a loading screen multiple times. But enough of my sob story, above you can see two images of (almost) the same scenery... (I fell off my rock...) As you can see it's very dark and foggy and you can see bloody nothing! I mean I'm blind in real life and I find this just as difficult as walking in the dark with no glasses on - I really need to start eating more carrots. But yes, this new 'creepy' misty effect definitely makes the mood more grim along with the dailies. At least it isn't as bad as winter in Realm of the Fae, right?
Another scenery addition they have made as well as the fog is the cute little misty effect on the floor. Oh and also those weird death hooky claw things have decided to pop up everywhere as well, which does include the main cities. Luckily you could buy Touch of the Abyss in Phase 3 - you really need the ability to glow bright blue so your friends can see you. Oh and the cute glowing eyes of the Happy Seacap helps as well =3

Toodles for now.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Wii: The Kirby TV Channel ~ WooHoo!

Okay, this may be a little bit delayed as the channel was actually released in the EU on the 22nd June. But as most pc gamers don't really turn on their Wii hardly ever any more they don't really pay much attention to anything new happening. Today I was pretty bored and lonely ~ sadly no one was online to boost up my social skill with so I was reduced to turning to the Wii to see if there was any thing interesting on the Nintendo Channel.
Then this little pink marshmallow appeared on my screen! It had been years since I watched Kirby on TV (Yes it was semi-recent - I like watching cheesy cartoons okay?!?!) Plus it actually isn't THAT bad, to be honest I only really ever came into contact with Kirby was when I played Super Smash Bros back in the day. Since then I've seen game after game come out with this balloon and never really touched them with a barge pole - but now with Kirby - Right back at ya! I enjoy seeing him within the mixture of a 2D/3D cartoon. You really have to see it to understand the 2D/3D concept, sometimes it looks really weird jumping from one person to the next and their different dimensions.
Sadly enough the Kirby TV Channel works a little bit like BBC iplayer - episodes will appear on a Tuesday and Thursday of each week until 1st December 2011, and you will have about 14days to watch each episode before it is removed from the channel. Throughout the whole time the first episode is available, however as I repeat again this is a late post already there is about 5/6 episodes that has been removed from the channel due to them expiring.
So if your bored, and fancy some brightly colourful, badass, monster inhaling entertainment then have fun with Kirby!

Toodles for now.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Spiral Knights: Going down to the woods today?

So ~ I paid a visit to the Gloaming Wildwoods in Spiral Knights today... and damn right there was a nice surprise! Well... not exactly nice - it depends if you enjoy premature heart attacks and often... Okay, so I may be overreacting a little bit - but I'm one of (hopefully) a few out there that really sucks at things that just likes to jump at you and scare you witless... To be honest, this was the first time I experienced this on Spiral Knights and always after the first time you get used to it and know when to expect things.
So generally I suck at scary things... Quick true story (and I can't believe I'm going to admit this to the internet but oh well): When I first played FF7 on the playstation [in my defence I was only 7] I got freaked out after the first boss (when the bomb timer began) and I turned the game straight off... Yeh... Silly right? I even didn't play the game for a whole week - then I went back to it and it became one of many all time favourites xD

Anyhoooo~ back to the matter at hand. I reached the Gloaming Wildwoods after the first safe point within the game (~Depth 5) and you are happily welcomed by darker scenery than normal Wildwood areas, along with some lovely 'mood music' to assist in those who aren't on edge already. Okay, so your walking through the level - defending around each corner taking out all the easy normal mobs that usually pop up and WHOOSH! a glowy red-eyed, black figure runs across your screen! Heart attack no.1 - in the end I honestly lost count how many times I jumped... It probably doesn't help that the figure also randomly appears in front of you - charges and stuns you every now and then.. Thanks. Oh! It also likes to hide in the bushes and watch you walk past - another personal favourite of mine... >.<
So, now that you understand the type of pansy I am, you can imagine how edgey I am come the end of the SECOND level of this torture - yes... two whole levels of him jumping out and running across your screen. Again - thank you for your consideration. Oh, I forgot to mention - once you reach the Gloaming Wildwoods you are sent mail with a quest in for you to complete - in a nutshell: reach the end and kill the black thing to reach the item and complete the quest. Throughout your wonderful tour of the Gloaming Wildwoods you also encounter some bells (refer, to one of the images below), to me I didn't actually have a clue what they did until I reached the end.
So here we are - the elevator that leads to the Lair of the Snarbolax! Which really sounds like a snarling Snorlax - but sadly this isn't Pokémon =[
Before you actually enter the fight with the Snarbolax, you walk a little bit - he eyes you up - you have a chance to totally heal up, and then you enter the fight. Why can't all the levels be like this? No scary bumps in the night, just an easy walk.
So the fight begins: he popped up in the top left-hand corner of the screen and starts trying to spike you to death - either bury under the ground and make a path of spikes wherever he moves to or launches random airborne spikes. He also has the lovely multiple bite attack which is familiar thanks to the Alpha Wolvars (I hate them!!!) As you notice there is a bell in the centre of  the area, which is the same bell as you find throughout the previous levels - it is your ticket to wining the fight! Attacking the Snarbolax in it's black form is futile - it does diddily squat! So - the trick is to lure it towards the centre (near the bell) and then hit the bell - this stuns the Snarbolax and turns him yellow/golden for a few seconds. When stunned he is vulnerable to all attacks - so make the most of it. And that is it - keep stunning him and avoiding his attacks and the fight is done ~ Simples.
Steam users will be congratulated with this wonderful achievement: Congrats to you.

P.S. As you can see above - it is just me in the game. On Spiral Knights I generally solo everything just so I can get my own fame and glory, along with all the moneys + 'heat', without any pugging trying to troll me. =P

Thanks again.
Toodles for now.

Saturday 9 July 2011

Sims 3: Back to basics.

Wow! Two posts in one day ~ aren't you a bunch of lucky Muppets!
Okay, so as I've been spamming out on Sims 3 all day I thought it might be worth it to actually do a proper post on it. Like I've recently mention I wasted my monthly pocket money (wow... you really wouldn't think I'm 20 would ya xD) on the Sims 3 pack on steam, which contained: Late Night, World Adventures, Ambitions, Generations, Fast Lane Stuff, High-End Loft Stuff, and Outdoor Living Stuff. What a package, eh?!?!

Okay! Here we go! Simple update from me, I spend MORE time on playing around with customisation of everything rather than actually playing the sim I've created. Especially with total sim facial/body customisation compared to the older versions I can happily spend at least 30 mins on a character... Now there is a slight problem with all Sim games - you can cheat too easily. Yes this gives people such as myself full reign to whatever they want to do, but for those who just want to 'play' the game it becomes too tempting to pop in a quick money cheat just to buy that new pc upgrade.
Now who doesn't cheat on the Sims? Everyone does it! I don't even understand why my sim houses even have bathrooms or kitchens... They have no need to eat or wash... But as they're in this nice fancy house I spend (at least) a day making - what really is the point?
So now I've decided something... I'm gonna make a new single sim and make her LIVE the game... Earn money and progressively upgrade her property, oh and maybe learn to cook! No cheats involved - except that my ageing is turned off... But I don't personally call that a cheat - I mean they give you a button to check if you want it on or off - simples!

Since Rift is my current main MMO I shall try and attempt to create my lovely warrior tank Yam, and as the sims REALLY doesn't like her not having a surname she is now known as: Yam Yam. I honestly couldn't remember how long I spend customising her but it was long enough - especially when the game really didn't like her hair style and kept trying to change it for me, meaning more time was wasted at the end when I realised I spent 950 of my free SimPoints to find out that game doesn't like it and keeps trying to give my sim fashion tips.
Meet Yam Yam, with the closest attempt to a superhero pose I could get:
All she really needs now is a mace and shield, along with a decent profession to kick some Guardian butt! But sadly reality kicked in and the sims has yet to release their MMO customisation expansion. (Wouldn't that be awsome!) Oh another thing this game is missing: HEIGHT! Come on! I'm only 5'2" (nearly) and I like to play with characters that suffers the same pain as me (except my nelf... I wanted to be tall ='[ )
Anyhoo, Yam is completed and it was time to get her a first time appartment. Now this is the point where I mention again that no cheat has been entered into the game so she will actually have to get a job to earn moneys. The situation is that Yam is a young adult, no skills whatsoever and an ambition to creature 3 monsters - so new apartment... what better way than to celebrate than to make your first meal: waffles:
Yes! It did just happen! ~Waffle making joy ~ POW! *Fire* ... This was also the point at which a fire alarm was still yet to be purchased! So yeah ~ crazy crazy running around then call the fire brigade. Half the kitchen had to be replaced - that is what you get for getting a cheap apartment so you could buy yourself a pretty decent pc! Luckily Yam has the daredevil trait which apparently makes her get an adrenalin thrill when crazy things happen and she tends to love fire - welcome to your new home darling!
A few nights later she got robbed... only the freshly replaced oven was nicked... and a burglar had also not been installed... /facepalm
Oh! and the silly little paper girl had the cheek to tell me off!
Who really reads the newspapers when you have a pc installed? Shame you don't get rewarded money for being a good citizen and recycling the mess little miscreants leave behind.
Okay, as a small sum up of a possible part one of Yam's new life: she has a job in the science career path, and if it wasn't for the joy of books - attempting to learn the gardening skill in an apartment building is quite interesting. So many things have broken she also is half way to maximum skill points in handiness due to the stupid amount of broken sinks, toilets, and showers - damn you money savers!
I'll think about it - but another part may appear at some point in the future... but again thank you for your attention.

Toodles for now.

So lazy already?

I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Well, I've only recently started this blog and already I've become lazy - how disappointing!
On rift I'm currently not doing that much... Only really log on to do the Event dailies, normal dailies and crafting dailies - Yes I'm a boring fart! I should kick myself up the arse and try an instance or two... I'll reach that point soon enough ~ Hopefully... xD
(As a side note: Congrats to the guild I'm a member of [Elysium - Blightweald], formally of Icewatch... But that was just full of Russians... Anyhoo, yes congrats to them for finally downing Greenscale! Currently a bit low on members due to the shard transfer, but they did it! Woo!)
Recently I bought myself the big Sims 3 bundle on Steam for only £49.99 (OMG!!!)... Yes... I just couldn't resist myself. So yes, I'm currently playing the fun out of that - like you do with also recently bought games. Also with downloading like 11GB+ of stuff all at once this stupid UK company download restriction doesn't look too happy for the rest of the month... Oh well xD
Other than just Sims 3, I have been juggling my attention between multiple other games depending on how I'm feeling - being a female n all you tend to change your mind a lot =] These are: Sims Medieval, Champions Online, Spiral Knights, Darkspore, Torchlight (Totall excited for Torchlight 2 <3), and its not really a game but I've been playing around on Kodu Game Lab. See! A lot of random junk to keep me busy! And if I run out of other stuff to talk about these may become a topic at one point. Oh, if anyone actually reads these posts and wishes me to try anything else and give my views - please leave a comment.

Thanks all.
Toodles for now.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Rift: Oh great... /facepalm

Well... If you haven't found out by now here is the latest news: Rift is getting Curse addons... Woo =.=

Why am I so miserable about this? Well... you can probably ask one of the new release addons known as 'bbgearscore' ~ sound familiar? According to it's description it only judges a gearscore based on a characters current buffs/debuffs, but we all know where this could all end up again...
I guess for now we'll have to wait and see what these new addons bring onto the Rift scene. Will they be helpful or a hindrance? Let's wait and see...


Toodles for now.

Monday 4 July 2011

Life: Everyone comes from somewhere.

Evening all… Now this  time I'm going to continue blabbering on about myself and probably give everyone an extra incite into who I actually am and what I've gone through to get to current day. So if anyone actually read my first post they would know a few basic details.
I am a girl (duh!), Danielle's the name - 20 years old and a student starting university in Sept/Oct of this year. Yes, I understand why some people may slightly confused of why I'm going to uni at 20 rather than back when I was 18, when all my other friends did...well, I kind of screwed up my A-levels and didn't get into the place that I wanted ~ simple as. But I was determined to finally reach my dream so I spent 2 further years doing a college course, so far it has paid off greatly ~ well...who wouldn't complain with a DDD overall grade (equivalent to AAA at A-levels) WooHoo!
Okay, more useless information - I'm partially an army brat! So I've been up and down the country like a bloody yo-yo. GCSEs were down south… A-levels were up north in lovely Leeds at a boarding school (thanks to the army):

Two of the BEST years of my life... Wasted by rubbish final exam results... But at least I managed to find my current boyfriend there. Phill (the other half, aka Friz if ever mentioned in the Rift sense) is 1 year my younger but manages to look 4 years older than me >.< He is currently studying Computer Games Programming at uni, so he is my little nerd <3 and provides me with free pc mechanics for whenever I get a new part =D (Oh! and if your reading this my darling ~ Get back to the gym and give me that 6-pack that you used to have! =3)
Oh yeh! I'm short!
Mmmm... So that was generally most of my recent life that actually means anything and has shaped who I am today. 

Thanks again for listening.
Toodles for now.

Saturday 2 July 2011

Rift: All aboard the Yam train ~ Choo! Choo! ~

Okay, let's get started! As some people like to browse the web to try and find a 'perfect' specialisation for their character, with other people views attached, I might as well join in the conversational on giving my personal opinions.
Please note: These may not be the best specs out there but these are the ones which I personally feel most comfortable - everyone to their own I guess. =]

When I first started Rift I was determined to become a tank and be the one to guide others through dungeons and raids. The latter has still yet to happen ~ but oh well. xD
The spec below consists of Warlord (15), Paladin (51), and Reaver (0). I used this spec to level in and I found it quite easy to use. The Paladin's main strengths really consists around their shield, with Face Slam, Shield Throw and Shield Charge being personal favourites with the sound effects that follow ^^. Generally the Paladin tree is used as a main tank, from my talent tree below I worked out that I only have 3 moves that specially generates extra threat (one attack point generator, one solo target finisher, and one group target finisher.) Some people could say that this talent combo isn't ideal as it doesn't 'embrace' the full potential of the Paladin/Reaver main tank combo. I only use the basic Reaver abilities as I personally did not like the play style of that character, I believe that the Warlord spec compliments the Paladin's main abilities while also providing an extra health buff along with Sergeant's Orders which is a handy move that pull's enemies towards the tank.
I guess that is my basic overview of that talent tree... Yes, like I said their are probably better trees out there, but it's all about working out which moves you like and suits your play style more.

As an off specialisation I use the Riftblade tree ~ Some people say it's good, some people say others are better - but everyone has an opinion. Being a dps has only become a recent addiction to my Rift game play as I wished to try something out than just tank - Rift is a game about being able to adapt to different specialisations if needed so I needed a bit of leeway on being able to be submissive to a greater tank and just stand back and dps.
This dps talent tree was taken from Rift Junkies as personally I had no idea where to start. I'm one of those gamers that once they choose a specialisation that they like they just stick to it, they become very good at that single spec, but no idea about any thing else. Geez cmon, I was a tree for my whole entire life which I played WoW... I then ended up with a Holy Priest, a Restoration Shaman, and was half way levelling a Holy Paladin - see the trend here? Anyhooooooooooooo ~ back to being a dps - I've found that this spec and simple explaination by Rift Junkies is perfect for those that have no idea. Oh, I did make a small change though, instead of using Paragon I exchanged it for Vindicator, the break free move is most useful 'extra spec' to add to the tree thanks to the basic Break Free move provided.

Custom UI:
Next, is my custom UI. Normally I'm one of those simple few that is happy with the basic UI that the game company originally provided us with, but NO ~ this time I wanted a play around ^^. And really this is what I ended up with:

As you really can't see much from the basics and myself being a loner at the time (not having a party) you don't see the full positioning extent.

Most people would find that really crowded in the middle - but it is what I'm happy with. Being an ex-healer old habit die hard, and even though it's generally essential for a tank I like to keep everyone centre so I can keep an eye on their healths. In a raid set-up, the current party members health bars are replaced with the raid line up, again keeping everything in the centre.
If your new at the whole custom UI thing like I was, I advise watching this video: GameBreaker.TV's Guide To Rift's Custom UI. I personally found it a great help.

Thanks for reading me blabbering again, I hope that any of this useless information actually helped anyone.
Toodles for now x

Okay! Lets get down to business...

As a general first post I think I should just get most things out in the open...

I'm an ex-WoW player!!! Yes...Yes I am.. 6 years of WoW... Heh... Knowing some nosey people they'd want a little bit more information on why I left... But yes you've guessed it - Mr Cataclysm came along and went PewPew all over my hard works ='[ And as I generally get quite emotional with games I had a rage quit moment... Well I was so cushty with running around being a tree healing people I truly forgot how to play the game, especially when they tried to make things 'harder'... So yes... I raged quit right before the big nerf of all the cataclysm instances (/facepalm) ~ Meh, at least I managed to happily get the Professor title and Zin'rokh (which I can't bludy use!!! Thanks Blizz - where is my staff?!?!?) before I left... And it was the end of an era... (Dramatic music please.)
Currently I have been happily sending all my moneys to the new Trion machine instead of the Blizzmonster. And due to my knocked confidence from the difficulty increase, I still am yet to complete a T1 dungeon... Well first time being a tank and all probably doesn't help. So yes, I've transferred from being a happy HoT HoT HoT healer to a Bish Bash Bosh tank xD (The sound of someone's head coming into contact with my Shield Bash makes me smile a little bit more inside each time =P) But anyway - my current aim (or shall I say my boyfriend's aim) is to get me the confidence to run instances and generally grind them back to my raid standard in WoW. So if your reading this you'll probably end up hearing about it.
(I'm Yam @ Blightweald - PvE EU - If your that interested...)
Well... Wasn't that a little bit of pointless MMO history for you...
In the real world I'm a 20 year old student finally hoping to get into university Sept/Oct this year, and this summer has been dull dull dull...(FYI: It's only been a week since I've finished college). On the first day I've already managed to set up a OneNote notebook with EVERYTHING I need to know/take/plan for when I actually go to university...Sad right? =P I've recently applied for a job (OMG) which I have to go to a really posh hotel for some sort of assessment - heh, so you'll end up getting the low down on that one as well - who really can complain as a student to get £85 a day. =D
Oh and if you really haven't worked it out from the Pound Sterling (£) above - Yes I am English.

Toodles for now.